
last updated 2025-02-01

I am an Associate Professor and Department Chair of Psychology at Concordia University of Edmonton (CUE) in Alberta, Canada. I am also Director of the multi-university Nature-Meaning in Life (NMIL) Research Lab, an editor of the International Journal of Wellbeing, and Science Chair of the Spirituality and Meaning Division of the International Positive Psychology Association. I am a co-developer of a free online course on Nature Connectedness out of the University of Derby, UK, and have developed (and teach) several upper-level undergraduate courses, including a capstone course at CUE entitled “Nature and Wellbeing”. Collaborating with colleagues and students from around the globe, I am working on a number of well-being-based research endeavours. The primary focus of my work is the development and validation of practical interventions to enhance well-being through noticing and engaging with everyday nature close to home. Additionally, I am studying the emerging issue of eco-anxiety. Within the meaning stream of my research, I examine pathways that lead to greater meaning in life, particularly among university students, and I am embarking on a new line of research examining how play adds meaning to life for adults. I support open-science research practices, open-source textbooks and teaching practices, and open-source software.

My friends, students, and colleagues know me as "H!A!", reflecting my enthusiasm and passion about my research and teaching.

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